This is a Brand of the solution from eKlean electroChemical Activation systems.(*Water in English + *Lox in Latin)

Increasingly various VIRUSES (SARS, AIDS, Hepatitis B&C, Measles etc) caused by a variety of contacts with contamination sources, have threatened human life. For instance what happened previously to SARS cases? How the SARS begun? The SARS transmitted as a result of indirect contact with a pen. What about The AVIATION FLU? And MERS outbreak 2015 in South Korea ?

Accordingly NO one can guarantee a safe and perfect infection control environment to anyone in our daily lives free from such infectious diseases. Especially for doctors, nurses and other staff who are regularly exposed through working in hospitals.

This is the 3rd generation disinfectant, which is an electrochemically activated disinfectant for the use of sanitization in all locations where hygienically disinfection is required. Especially Hospitals and Medical centers, but also HACCP, Agricultural, Epidemic Infection Control, etc. There is super-broad-spectrum-efficacy possible when used.

  • High-level effective to all kinds Virus and Harmful agents
  • Toxic-Free, Safer to users
  • Environmentally-friendly Disinfectant
  • Easy-Use like water
  • Low-Cost & Less expenses to Disinfection (Generator – On Site & On-Demand Generation)
The health-care facility environment is rarely implicated in disease transmission, except among patients who are immuno-compromised. Nonetheless, inadvertent exposures to environmental pathogens (e.g. Aspergillus spp. and Legionella spp.) or airborne pathogens (e.g. Mycobacterium tuberculosis and varicella-zoster virus) can result in adverse patient outcomes and cause illness among health-care workers. Environmental infection-control strategies and engineering controls can effectively prevent these infections.

The occurrence of health-care-associated infections and pseudo-outbreaks can be minimized by, 1) appropriate use of cleaners and disinfectants; 2) appropriate maintenance of medical equipment (e.g., automated endoscope reprocessor or hydrotherapy equipment); 3) adherence to water-quality standards for hemodialysis, and to ventilation standards for specialized care environments (e.g., airborne infection isolation rooms, protective environments or OR-operating rooms); and 4) prompt management of water intrusion into the facility. Routine environmental sampling is not usually advised, except for water quality determinations in hemodialysis settings and other situations where sampling is directed by epidemiologic principles, and results can be applied directly to infection-control decisions.

As explained above, infection control is really difficult for all concerned. In addition NO existing disinfectants have provided a good solution for those applications yet. However the Electrolyzed Activated Water from KTCC has a broad-band efficacy for disinfecting, in addition to a full Infection control process possibility. The previous restrictions caused by Big-sized production facility necessity, and short-lasting stability have been eliminated absolutely. We guarantee the full satisfaction of our products to all customers.

A mixture of oxy-chloro compounds – predominantly Hypochlorous Acid and sodium chloride, pH typically 5-7 Waterlox can be added to ordinary drinking water to produce bacteria free rinse water that can be used in rinsing and irrigation. ECA Water is located in the region of safest with perfect Sterilization. It is a Disinfectant’s Dream that everyone wants and searches for.
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ECA Water Generator


This is a Brand of the electrochemical activating machine for generating aqueous ECA solution.

第一个e代表ECA ( ElectroChemical Activation ),第二个e代表 ECO。 意味着可生成环保、电气分解活性水的小型电气分解设备。 不仅可以直接生产作为天然消毒剂的次氯酸,可用 eKlean 设备用盐和自来水生成Yuhanclorox并马上使用。不用再为购买clorox这样的化学洗涤剂而特意去超市了。 简单的洗涤剂(类似发酵粉)也可在eKlean中生成。 一部分产品需要和本公司产品的添加剂一起使用才能生成出最佳的、需要的产品。

Product Name as Generally Known ECA Water Generator
Brand Name Waterlox ECO PB accepted
Application & Usages General Cleaning, Hygiene for small Individual use
Design No. EKLEAN 50 [ Waterlox 1500 ]
Membrane or Membrane-Free Membrane-Free
Size 25cm * 12cm Ø 1.1 Kgs
Power Specification DC 12 V, 5A 50/60Hz
Best Features Easy to Use,
Stand alone,
Accurate Pharmaceutical Grade HOCL
Auxiliary Device None
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This is a Brand of the semi-commercial size ECA machine producing aqueous solution, HOCL or NAOCL.

是可生成电解活性水的设备,无隔膜构造,虽然体积是小型但也可用于商用。因可安装在墙面,所以可节省安装空间,是对小规模事业最佳的设备。 虽然主要目的是为生成作为天然消毒剂的次氯酸,但是可通过给 Waterlox 5010设备供应机器和盐就可生成和clorox同样成分的( clorox)的次氯酸钠 (NAOCL)。

Product Name as Generally Known ECA Water Generator
Brand Name Waterlox ECO PB accepted
Application & Usages General Cleaning, Hygiene for Semi Commercial use
Design No. EKLEAN 5010 [ Waterlox 5010 ]
Membrane or Membrane-Free Membrane-Free
Size 32cm *42cm *17cm (D) 13 Kgs
Power Specification DC 24 V, 180W 50/60Hz
Best Features Easy to Install,
Easy to Operate,
Compacter, Smarter
Auxiliary Device Water Softener, Water Standardizer
Solution generated HOCL, NAOCL, Acidic Electrolyzed Water, Super Oxidized Water
Volume generated Max. 360 LPH [ 95GPH ]
Additive NaCl, Katalyte,

This is a Brand of the commercial size ECA machine producing aqueous solution, HOCL or NAOCL.
这是可生成电解活性水的设备,是无隔膜结构,虽然是小型但也可用于商用。因可安装在墙面上,所以可节省空间,是中小型规模事业中最合适的设备。. 每分钟可生成20 LPM ( 5 GPM ): (标准生成液基准)。
虽然主要目的是为生成作为天然消毒剂的次氯酸,但是可通过给 Waterlox Commercial 5 设备供应机器和盐就可生成和clorox同样成分的 的次氯酸钠 (NAOCL)。
是为商业用、中型和大型规模工厂专用而开发的独立安装型(Stand-Alone),和附带设备可分离将设备设置在墙面上,并可连续生成电解。 要和本公司的添加剂一起使用才能生成最佳的生成物。

Product Name as Generally Known ECA Water Generator
Brand Name Waterlox ECO PB accepted
Application & Usages General Cleaning, Hygiene for Commercial use
Design No. Waterlox Commercial 5
Membrane or Membrane-Free Membrane-Free
Size 35cm *52cm *24cm (D) 25 Kgs
Power Specification AC100/220V, 50/60Hz, 700W
Best Features Easy to Install,
Easy to Operate,
Compacter, Smarter
Auxiliary Device Water Softener, Water Standardizer
Solution generated HOCL, NAOCL, Acidic Electrolyzed Water, Super Oxidized Water
Volume generated Max. 1800 LPH [ 475 GPH ]
Additive NaCl, Katalyte,

这是隔膜结构,商业利用(生产液体)目的,可在小空间安装,对于中型规模事业来讲是最合适的设备。 每分可生成 3 LPM ( 0.7 GPM ): (标准生成液基准)。
这是拥有最佳清洗功能的强碱 (PH 13以上)性,洗涤、清洗剂生成设备。仅通过供应自来水和添加剂通过电分解生产方式可连续生成的中型生成设备。 可销售机器和添加剂,

Product Name as Generally Known ECA Water Generator
Brand Name EKLEAN COMMERCIAL PB accepted
Application & Usages General Cleaning, Hygiene for Commercial use
Design No. EKLEAN Commercial
Membrane or Membrane-Free Membrane
Size 60cm *100cm *40cm 85 Kgs
Power Specification AC100/220V, 50/60Hz, 850W
Best Features Strongest High PH Solution ( 13.3 )
Easy to Install,
Easy to Operate,
Auxiliary Device Water Softener, Water Standardizer
Solution generated KOH, ALKALINE Electrolyzed Water
Volume generated Max. 150 LPH [ 40 GPH ]
Additive Katalyte,

Other product & solution


This is a Brand of the machine generating two streams aqueous solutions, Acidic and Alkaline.

Electrolysis changes the PH & ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential): The resulting acidic water lacks electrons and is called oxidizing water, it has an extremely high ORP and as such has the capacity to kill bacteria and other harmful micro-organisms within seconds by depriving them of electrons. As a topical formula, the acidic oxidizing water is a proven anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and anti-fungal for use on skin, foods, plants, animals, etc. It has been used as An anti-septic in many hospitals and restaurants for many years in Japan and Korea.
This is a conventional membrane electrolysis activated waster generator that produces strong acidic water and strong alkalinity water by adding salt. It can produce high-quality hypochlorous acid with low chlorine concentration when it is used with KTCC’s water standardization equipment.

This is a Brand of a small cleaning appliance that KTCC has been innovating.

1. 产品概要:

2. 产品工作方式:
① 在电解活性水生成设备瓶中放入水。
② 放入盐或微量Katalyte电解质后
③ 连接电源后,通过电气分解,生成电解消毒水和洗涤剂。
④ 如果工作完成后,拔下电源,通过产品上的喷头将生成的消毒、洗涤剂进行喷射,清扫医院地面。

全世界任何一个国家都没有贴附消毒剂或洗涤剂生成设备的 (安装后连接的)清扫用品。现在大部分清扫地面的MOP只使用水。即使使用消毒剂或洗涤剂也是用另外的容器进行使用。KTCC通过这个产品实现了革新。2015年 10月至今,仍在开发其他性能的产品。

Product Name as Generally Known ECA Water Generator
Brand Name Waterlox THRU PB accepted
Application & Usages General Cleaning, Hygiene for small Individual use
Design No. EKLEAN 5822
Membrane or Membrane-Free Membrane-Free
Size 130 cm 1.1 Kgs
Power Specification DC 12V, 5A 50/60Hz
Best Features Easy to Use,
Stand alone,
Handy Sprayer, Humidifier Applicable
Auxiliary Device None
Solution generated HOCL, NAOCL, Electrolyzed Water, Super Oxidized Water
Volume generated Max. 500 ml per Operation
Additive NaCl, K2CO3, Katalyte,


This is a Brand of frozen sanitizer of Waterlox HOCL solution.

“消毒冰块”或 “冰块消毒剂”这是KTCC在全世界中首次开发并介绍的产品。
产品供应方式: 供应Waterlox 5010, Waterlox Commercial和添加剂。
也可供应eKlean Commercial设备。– Degreaser; 用于去除食品用、油渍、蛋白质的电解活性水。

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Waterlox, Waterlox Thru, eKlean, eKlean Green, eKlean 50, eKlean 5010, eKlean Commercial 5, aKua, aKua blue
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