无论何种技术,应用程序,设备都无法代替水的作用。IT产业中的谷歌,苹果,三星,乔布斯,比尔盖茨都无法解决我们口渴的问题。IT产业无法做出aKua, Waterlox。这源于安全的水对于人类的健康是必需条件这个认知。

The technology behind this water technology is based on the science of Electrolysis,the origins of which date back to the 18th Century, when the prominent Scottish scientist Michael Faraday first began experimenting.

Pure water – i.e. distilled water – is an insulator and cannot undergo significant electrolysis without adding an electrolyte. Then What helps to electrolyze water? That is the minerals dissolved in water.

The concept and applications of electrochemically activated Water, Electrolyzed water, Super Oxidized Water, Electrochemically oxidized Water, functional water Whatever it is called either named.

Key Tech electroChemical Corp.Key Tech electroChemical Corp.
Key Tech electroChemical Corporation (“KTCC”) began November, 1st 1999 at Seoul, South Korea.

World First
What the world’s first we madeWhat the world’s first we made
KTCC’s strategy includes unreleting forcus on innovation. KTCC wants to partner with the best innovators globally.

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We Widen Waterlox WorldWe Widen Waterlox World
Possibly many would not think that the ECA device is in potential since there was no real things in the world.
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